Wednesday, May 29, 2013

6/5: Emily Beattie

Please join us during WEEK 10

WEDNESDAY, 6/5, 12-1p
Kaufman Conference room 160
Talk followed by light refreshments and snacks

Presenter: Emily Beattie
shadowline: Playing with the edges in performance and technology 

In rehearsal periods in the Fall and Winter, I was given the opportunity to set work on students in a pre-professional dance company at Brown University. The piece I set was called shadowline, which is a performance work that featured projected animations, dance, and an original score. I chose to include projections as a way to visually address the storyline of the piece, which features a piece of technology that creates a fatal connection for the main character. The actual integration of this component posed many questions for me and my process. Performer interaction with the projections provided some challenges and some benefits for the performers as well as the experience of the viewer. By looking at earlier versions of the work, explaining how the animation is now activated, and showing the final work, I hope to discuss some of the implications for dancemaking with technology that I found.
Emily Beattie is originally from Fredericksburg, Virginia and currently works as a performer and choreographer in both Boston and Los Angeles. As a performer, Emily has been honored to participate in the works of Stephen Koplowitz, Edisa Weeks, Donald Byrd, Sara Rudner, Jennifer Monson, Simone Forti, Lionel Popkin and several national companies. Since 2003, her interest in collaborative performance and technology interventions has been supported and performed both nationally and internationally by organizations such as Roy and Edna Disney CalArts Theater, Los Angeles, Pieter Performance Space, Brown University, Boston CyberArts Festival, Green Street Studios, Somerville Arts Council, Glouchester New Arts Festival, Oberon Theater, World Arts Music/Crash Arts, Support Women Artists Now Day Inc., Kyoto Cultural Festival 2011 Renku Poetry Conference and Festival, and Rhodopi International Theater Lab.  Emily extensively collaborates with composer and designer Eric Gunther who founded the design and performance studio sosolimited.

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